Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Introduction to the Rose and the Vine

The Rose and the Vine is a reflection of what my interests are in Paris, so as such I feel I must explain myself in order to explain the purpose of this blog:

I am currently a graduate student in International Relations in Paris, with a focus on how new media influences the dynamics of politics. I am working currently working on my thesis which concerns how the Wikileaks blog is affecting democracy, thus creating my own blog seems to be the perfect researching tool.  I'm looking into going into a journalism career path, so this blog will also be used to reflect my voice as a writer. 

I studied abroad in Paris in 2007 for a semester, and as soon as a graduated UCI in 2008 I moved here indefinitely with my French boyfriend and my bipolar cat. 

I love amazing food and amazing wine. France is the perfect place to refine these interests, and it amazes me how this country can continue to inspire me. Cooking can be a daily nag and its easy to feel like it is a chore, but I do my best to find inspiration.

So I am an expat, a young professional interested in public relations and the press, a girlfriend, a foodie, and an academic. I hope to have this blog reflect these eclectic interests, ranging from reviews of fashion, cooking, politics, and what ever else may be of interest in Paris.

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